Tuesday, November 6, 2018

War Eagle!

Now that the kids are older we are trying to take them to at least one Auburn game each year. It's really fun to show them the campus Drew and I met at and where they were both born. Maybe 7 years from now, we'll be coming up here to visit Jackson (that is if we can figure out how to get in-state tuition! ha!)

Our very good friends (who also happen to be our neighbors) parked a camper at Auburn for the football season and were nice enough to let us use it for the Arkansas game. (9/22/18) It turns out, this was probably our best game of the year and a really fun one to go to. It hasn't been our best season. 

Auburn 34 - Arkansas 3 

We arrived at the campsite on Friday night.

The kids checking out their bed for the weekend!

Friday night there was band that played in the campground common area. 

Saturday Morning we woke up and went to breakfast at Bryon's Smokehouse!

After breakfast we came back to the camper for a bit, the game wasn't until 6 PM and it was waaaay to hot to spend the entire day outside. The kids played hide and seek, I can't believe how many hiding places they were able to find in a camper! 

Waiting for the shuttle to take us from the campground to the campus! 

When we got to the outskirts of campus, there was a limo in a gas station parking lot. It was a college student who had started his own business. $5 a head and he would take you anywhere on campus. The kids had never been in a limo before so Drew splurged (big spender!) and had him drive us to Toomer's Corner for lemonade. Jackson thought it was awesome!

Aubrie (in typical Aubrie fashion) was not impressed and said she would have rather walked. 

This picture cracks me up, it looks like I have a stump for an arm! 

After the game we had a late dinner at Momma Goldbergs! 

AUBURN 2017:

Last year was the first time we took the kids to Auburn for a football game since we lived there. I never shared the pictures, so I thought I would post them here. We went to a game in November and it was much cooler out so we were really able to show the kids around the campus and point out places to them. We stayed in a hotel in Opelika this time around. 

Auburn 55 Alabama A&M 0 

Hanging out at the hotel Friday night!

Ready to head to the campus, it was an 11 am game so we got up early!


Samford Hall, I showed the kids were I used to work. The couldn't believe my office was on the 4th floor and that the building had no elevators! 


We showed the kids my old dorm, Glenn hall!

Tiger walk! 

Jackson got to high five Gus!

and Jarrett! (This was exciting last year...not so much this year....)

We checked out the new basketball stadium. It was still under construction the last time we were in Auburn!

We even rolled Toomer's corner! 

After the game, we went to Niffers for a early dinner.

We can't wait to go back again next year! 

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