Friday, November 9, 2018

Gammy's Visit - Beach Day!

Gammy came down to spend some time with the kids in July and August of this year. She also helped me out while I was teaching a night class. (Thanks Gammy!) Even as the kids get older, it nice to have the grandparents come down and help out :) We did a beach day with the kids on Pensacola Beach, below are some pictures:

It's a tough life living on the beach! 

Look how beautiful the water is! 

Also, not too long ago we took Aubrie and her friend, Ana, for ice cream at the boardwalk on Pensacola Beach. They both chose Mint Chocolate Chip which I thought was funny. In hindsight, I probably should have got them 1 scoop instead of 2. Most of Anna's ended up on the boardwalk about 7.8 seconds after I took this picture. 

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