Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 with the Vance's

We spent Saturday with Gammy and Gdad. Everyone was Thanksgiving'd out by that point so they smoked a Boston Butt and we watched the Iron Bowl. It was also the first time we all got to meet Brice! He was only about 5 weeks old in these pictures. Again, Aubrie was in love 😍

Jared and Kelly

Aunt Kelly taught the kids the art of eating cookie dough out of the tub :)

Kelly and Brice! 

Gdad and Brice!

Gammy and Brice!

Uncle Drew and Brice! 

Playing rummy. Drew was tired of me taking pictures by this point. 

Aubrie and Kelly turned the cheese ball into a Turkey! 

Shredding "The Meat"

I love this picture and Brice's expression. He was so excited to meet his cousin Aubrie! 

Gammy, Gdad, and all their grandkids! 

We played bingo with Mom, uncle Rob and Megan! 

Aubrie playing with the prize she won in bingo!

Aubrie wearing a sweatshirt she got from her Aunt Amy.

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