Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Boys will be Boys (AKA Locusts Plague)

There are a TON of boys around Jackson's age that live in the neighborhood. It's awesome because he almost always has someone to play with, sometimes even extras that we invite over from school. In the below Brandon was spending the night with us plus we had all the usual neighborhood boys over. 

Drew describes the boys as a plague of locusts...they go from one house to another destroying everything in their path! The below pictures and videos were from a couple of weeks ago when the 'plague' was at our house for the majority of the weekend. (To see the videos you have to view the actual blog post, they won't show up in an email. )

Luckily, it was warm enough they could play outside, can you imagine inside my house?!?!

The neighbors loaned them their kayaks and paddle board to 'race' on

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