Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 with the Vance's

We spent Saturday with Gammy and Gdad. Everyone was Thanksgiving'd out by that point so they smoked a Boston Butt and we watched the Iron Bowl. It was also the first time we all got to meet Brice! He was only about 5 weeks old in these pictures. Again, Aubrie was in love 😍

Jared and Kelly

Aunt Kelly taught the kids the art of eating cookie dough out of the tub :)

Kelly and Brice! 

Gdad and Brice!

Gammy and Brice!

Uncle Drew and Brice! 

Playing rummy. Drew was tired of me taking pictures by this point. 

Aubrie and Kelly turned the cheese ball into a Turkey! 

Shredding "The Meat"

I love this picture and Brice's expression. He was so excited to meet his cousin Aubrie! 

Gammy, Gdad, and all their grandkids! 

We played bingo with Mom, uncle Rob and Megan! 

Aubrie playing with the prize she won in bingo!

Aubrie wearing a sweatshirt she got from her Aunt Amy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 with the DeLancey's

We spent the Friday after Thanksgiving with Fat Kat and G. Since G doesn't get around as well as he used to, Kathy reserved the community room where G lives. It was really nice and had lots of space for us to spread out. We played the Wii, board games, and did puzzles. Plus, enjoyed a fantastic meal! I don't think Aubrie stayed more than 10 feet away from Holt the entire time! She love babies :)

Everyone all together! 

Preparing in the small kitchen

Aubrie and her hat....

Holt and uncle Drew!

Jackson's favorite desert is pumpkin pie (with extra whipped cream)!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 with the Hill's

We spent Thanksgiving day with Nana and Papa. It's rare that all the kids and grand-kids are able to get together at the same time so we really enjoyed it. 

Papa had 2 new 'toys' that the kids had a blast with. A claw machine filled with stuffed animals and one dollar bills and an old slot machine. Every time the kids went out to the garage to play them, they said "We are going to the casino to gamble!" LOL!

On our way!

Aubrie was a big winner!

Aubrie playing with her cousin Carly!

Getting ready for the 'photo shoot'

All the Hill grandkids together! (Jackson, Aubrie, Carly, Kate, Holt, John)

The kids table!

Aubrie LOVES holding and playing with her baby cousins.