Friday, May 24, 2013

Fort Lauderdale: DAY 4

Today of course began with breakfast at the hotel, Drew even joined us this time! (sorry no can only look at so many pictures of the kids eating breakfast). Next the kids and I went to the Museum of Discovery and Science. There were tons of things to look at and do, so be warned that this is a fairly long post with lots of pictures! I've broken it up into sections for each exhibit. Here we go!

EXHIBIT: Florida Native Creatures

The aquarium portion was really neat and well done.

Aubrie and Jackson standing in front of the bats!

They had a really neat otter exhibit. The otters would swim right up to the window and play.

I think this is called a spiny lobster. It was sooo freaky...

Hands-On Science
(This was actually split up into multiple exhibits at the museum: Space, Weather, Flight, Health, Etc. 

Don't let the picture above fool you as it did me. It's a hurricane wind force simulator, notice the number at the top. It was blowing at 91 MPH! Jackson took it well so I walked into it without thinking it through to see what it was like. My sunglasses went flying across the room, my purse and camera hit me in the face, and needless to say I had a bad hair day for the rest of the afternoon. We will be evacuating the next time a hurricane comes through our area!! :)

This was a GIANT kaleidoscope. 

They had a couple of really neat flight simulator/games that Jackson really liked. 

Tony Hawk Skateboarding Exhibit
(This was a brand new exhibit that had literally just opened today. Although I thought it was kind of an odd addition compared to everything else the museum housed.)

Of course no day is complete without some sort of mishap:

Prehistoric Florida 

Jackson comparing his size to the size of a mammoth. 

Aubrie was enamored with all of the shiny rocks and minerals. 

Play Area 

This was called the hammock playground and was really cool! Jackson loved it but Aubrie was too scared to climb up it. 

This was a pretened orange grove where you picked oranges off the trees and put them in the machine that went through an automated assembly line and orange juice came out at the end. Of course, the bike is what powered the machine!

This was Aurbie's favorite thing in the play area. You built the walls to the house with pieces of individual square foam. 

We all had a blast at the museum but did unfortunately have to fight a few large school groups so we didn't get to stay at some of the exhibits as long as we would have liked. But by the time we left the kids were tired and ready to go.

We headed back to the hotel and had a late lunch before we went down and swam in the pool for about an hour and a half. (Drew came down with us and to watch the kids swim and try and catch a few extra ZZZs)

After the pool we were all exhausted from a looong but fun day. We headed up to the room for dinner and "chill" time until Drew had to leave for work and the kids had to go to bed. 

Now, I am one tired mamma so I'm off to bed! Good Night!

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