Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fort Lauderdale: DAY 2

And so our adventure continues! We woke up this morning in Gainsville, FL anxious to get on the road to make it to our final destination and see Drew.

The thing the kids were most excited about in the hotel was the complimentary breakfast and they were not disappointed.  They had lucky charms cereal, pecan swirls, muffins, apple juice, and orange juice. 

The kids were understandably ancy in the car but surprisingly good and we only had to stop one time so made really good time :) When we arrived we had a quick visit and lunch with Drew and then headed to the pool so that Drew could get in a nap before he beings working nights this evening. 

The water was warm and the kids jumped right in and had a blast!

But like all fun times, they had to end, so we wrapped up in our towels and headed back upstairs to spend some much needed time with Drew. 

I don't know who was more excited, Drew or the kids?

We've all had a really long day so we're heading to bed (well everyone except for Drew who unfortunately has to head to work). We have big plans for tomorrow. Good Night! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures and videos!!! looks like you guys are having fun! :)
