Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fort Lauderdale: DAY 3

Day 3! We all woke up well rested and ready to play today. When I came out of the bedroom, this is how I found the kids:

Then of course was breakfast and again the kids stuffed themselves :)

Next was onto the Splash Adventure Park where the kids and I had a blat for almost 5 hours! It was a giant water playground surronded by a huge pool that was no more than 12 in deep anywhere so I didn't have to worry so much about the kids if I couldn't see them. 

There was this huge bucket of water that dumped out over the playgound every 7 minutes or so. I would start beeping before it dumped out to warn you ahead of time. And of course as all the kids were running towards it to have the water dumped on them, my kids were running away from it:

Luckily about halfway through the day Jackson finally warmed up to it. However, Aubrie did NOT. 

We had a picnic lunch.

I even attemped to get a couple pictures of myself with kids, lol. I'm going to have to work on my technique....

Aubrie was having such a good time she didn't want to leave! (None of us did, but after almost 5 hours in the South Florida sun it was time to go before we turned into lobsters ;)

We spent some time at the hotel with Drew when we got back and then we all went out for pizza. We're heading to bed now so we're ready for lots more fun tomorrow! 

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