Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fort Lauderdale: DAY 1

As most of you know Drew has been on an extended work trip since the beginning of May. Its the longest the kids and I have ever been separated from him, and we DON'T like it!! Soo we decided that there was no better way to spend Memorial Weekend than taking a road trip down to Fort Lauderdale to see him! Who doesn't like a road trip?!? (Well, not me when when I've got 2 kids in the car and a 10 hour drive, but it'll be worth it in the end!). So our journey began today when Jackson got off the school bus. We drove halfway to Gainsville and are staying in a hotel tonight and will finish the drive tomorrow.

Here we go!! Jackson was really excited, but as you can Aubrie was tired and cranky. (luckily she fell asleep about 15 minutes into the drive!)

 At a random rest stop :)

 At the same rest stop. Yes, I know the lighting I put them in is horrible but we were in a hurry and ready to get back on the road!

We finally made it! Good Night all!

Check back tomorrow! I plan on posting daily updates on our road trip/vacation. We have all sorts of fun stuff planned :)

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