Saturday, October 26, 2019

Auburn Vs. Mississippi State

This fall we took the kids to the Auburn vs. Mississippi State game @ Auburn. This is the 3rd year in a row we've been able to make it to a game. We have friends who keep a camper in Auburn during football season and they were nice enough to let us stay that weekend. It was HOT, but we had a blast and Auburn had a decisive win! 

War Eagle! It was an 'Orange-Out'

We drove up Friday night and arrived at the camper around 8ish. 

Saturday morning we wen to Walmart to get some game day gear. 

Around lunch time we went to walk around campus. Drew spotted a Yorkie painted as a tiger. I had to talk him out of doing them same with our dog. (Marlin thanked me)

We had lunch at a sports bar downtown to get in the AC!

Toomer's Corner! 

After lunch the kids started feeling a little sick. Luckily, Aubrie perked up quickly but we didn't think Jackson was going to make it to the game, so Aubrie and Drew left and we stayed behind. About 45 minutes later Jackson made a 180 recovery and we decided to go on our own. This is us getting ready to leave the camper. 

We caught the last bus to the stadium! Notice how empty it was, everyone else had already left. 

Walking up the ramp!

Riding DOWN in the elevator because we walked up the ramp on the WRONG side!

We finally made it!

Riding the bus back to the camper. We were glad we all made it to the game but were exhausted! 

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