Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pensacola State Fair!

Last Friday we took the kids to the Pensacola Fair. We went last year and they have been talking about going back for months. We let them each bring a friend so we wouldn't have to do the rides with them. The boys went off and did their own thing and Drew and I walked around with the girls. 

The first ride Aubrie and Kenzlee did was the Dragon roller coaster. We started out with the small stuff and they slower got braver. 

Riding the Magic Bus!

This was a haunted house ride. I was trying to get a picture of their scared faces as they came out. Notice it looks like the cart is empty. They had ducked all the way down to the bottom! LOL

Finally starting to peak their heads up.

They were hesitant about this ride.

There faces in these pictures crack me up!

The ride is over, they were so relieved! I offered to let them do it again, but they declined. 

They were alos hesitant about this roller coaster, but they loved it! It ended up being their favorite and they road it 3 times!

We got lucky and ran into the boys! You can see how happy they were when I made them take a picture. We got to see them do one ride, I included a video of it at the end. Chase came with us and they ran into their friend Emerson there too.

Drew and I did a lot of standing around waiting at the rides. 


The above is of the girls on this ride. 

The above is the 1  ride I was able to watch the boys do. I love the girls expressions when I asked them if they wanted to do it. 

I was super surprised they girls wanted to do this one. But they loved it and wanted to to it a 2nd time! 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Other October Activities

We had a VERY busy October, below are the few pictures I managed to take. I wish I would do better with pictures, especially when we have family in town. Beware those traveling down here for Thanksgiving, I'm determined to get some better pictures ;)

This from the Auburn vs. Florida game. We had our good friends that recently moved to Destin over, and they brought Marlin's best friend, Max!

Fat Kat and Tom came to visit one weekend and we had a blast! Saturday, we heated the pool and swam most of the day. Sunday was gorgeous so we took the boat over to the beach and all ended up a little sun burned. This is the only picture I managed to take of the weekend :(

Last weekend we drove up to Tennessee for a family reunion on Drew's grandmother's side. We were able to make a pit stop on the way up and attend Brice's 1st birthday party, which was awesome! I really wish I had taken photos of the reunion, but I left my phone in the car :(  

So cute!

We also took the kids the Pensacola State Fair, I did manage to take picture there, so I'll upload them in a separate post soon ;)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Destin Seafood Festival

A couple weeks ago, Nana & Papa were in town so we met them Friday afternoon at the Destin Seafood Festival. Aubrie was with a friend that evening so it was just myself, Drew, Jackson, and his friend Brandon. The boys walked around the festival and did their own thing and we met up for dinner before driving home. 

There were not happy about me taking pictures. 

Drew was not happy about the pictures either, hence the face!

There was a fishing rodeo going on that weekend so we watched some of  the fish weigh-ins. 

I'm sure it's the fish they are looking at....