Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nap Time

Unfortunately nap time does not exsist in my house. Although Jackson desperately needs a nap(or a least and hour or two of quiet time) during the day it almost never happens, which leads to a fussy and cranky child by about 4 in the afternoon. And on days like today Aubrie can have the same problem. I finally got her to take her afternoon nap around 4:15(which is late for her) and jackson started having a melt down and woke her up before I could get her in her crib and shut the the door. This is how the kids thank me for taking them to the library, funplex, and park?

At the library today I let Jackson pick out a couple books and movies. Of course as much as I tried to persuade him otherwise he picked out a Christmas cartoon. Christmas in March anyone?

Oh well, maybe they will go to bed early tonight and I can watch American Idol in peace or maybe even read. haha

P.S. This picture is totally unrealted, but I thought it was cute!

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