Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Jackson and Drew are outside making a fire. Will it ever warm up? We move to florida and of course it picks this year to have the coldest winter it has had in over 20 years! I just hope our new grass survives.

I was reading through the weekly grocery store ads and Jackson came up, pulled the paper out of my hands, crumbled it up, and said "No mommy, this is what we used to make a fire!" So of course as soon as Drew got home this evening, Jackson wanted to use his new found paper to make a fire. I'm just hoping it will be one of the last ones for a while, becasue warmer weather is coming.
This pic is of Callie and Miss Aubrie last time she came down to visit and we made a fire. Aubrie wasn't sure what to make of it, but once she got used to it she didn't want to go inside and got upset when I made her go in. haha. Both of our kids have a thing for fire.

Oh and today is my dad's birthday. SO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there to enjoy a fire with you all. I have the cutest grandkids in the whole world. I'm loving these updates. Love you all, Fatkat
