Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bounce House and Pizza

Jackson loves going to open bounce. I can't tell him we are going until right before we leave because he will get SO excited and won't settle down until we go! He meets 3 or 4 of his friends there and they have a blast together! I cannot believe how big he is getting and how he is able to play so well with his friends. Aubrie loves to go and watch all the actioin. She is fine as long as no one gets to close to tries to hold her. haha. She is still a mommy's girl all they way and does't want attention from anyone but me or drew.

We went to get pizza afterwards and could the boys have been any more messy? I think we spilled at least 2 cups of marinara sauce, lost about 3 or 4 forks on the ground, not mention Aubrie's puffs. But, I guess thats how it goes when you take 4 boys and 2 babies to a resturant. Don't worry...at least we tipped good!

Now if only all of the action would have tired Jackson out enough to take a good nap. Oh well, A mom can dream can't she?

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