Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Brice! (and Gammy & Amy)

Gammy, Aunt Amy, and Brice came to visit while the kids were on Spring Break! It was nice to have some company while the kids were out of school. Aubrie was thrilled, she loves babies and was by Brice's side anytime he wasn't sleeping or eating. (Notice almost every picture is her and Brice). The weather was really nice, we went to the Zoo one day and got some fresh air. I'll put those pictures in a separate post soon.

This picture cracks me up, look at their matching expressions! 

Watching TV together!

Look! A picture with Jackson!  

Aubrie loved feeding him his bottle. (and I think he liked it too!)

Bottle right before bedtime, both of them are sleepy!

Teaching him how to use funny filters! 


Matching blue shirts and blue eyes :)

Aubrie and Brice had many similar expressions, I had to put them all side by side here. Ha! 

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