Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas Eve 2018

On Christmas Eve we went to the service put on by our church. They rent out the Sanger theater in downtown Pensacola, which is an older, ornate theater. After the service we grabbed some dinner down town and then went back home to open gifts 'with' Fat Kat!

I can't believe how grown up they are looking! 

Our failed attempt at a family photo...LOL

Downtown Pensacola was full of Christmas lights and decorations. 

At the Sanger theater

Having dinner at The Tin Cow. They are known for their burgers and milkshakes! 

Since we did not travel for Christmas and Fat Kat couldn't make it down, we celebrated and opened gifts together via FaceTime.

There's Fat Kat and Aunt Callie! 

Aubrie wearing the overalls she got. 

The picture Jackson got for his room.

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