Monday, January 6, 2020

Four Christmases

We are very lucky to have a large family and spent a few days with them over Christmas. We did Christmas Eve/morning at home and then packed up the car and headed to North Alabama to spend time with family. We did 4 different Christmases over the 4 days were were in town :)

Playing Phase 10 at Nana and Papas

Jackson and John 

Jackson and Holt at Fat Kats

Tom, Fat Kat, and Holt

Holt riding his stick horse
Holt riding the truck he got for Christmas

Playing Scrabble at Fat Kats

Brice opening presents at Gammy and Gdads. He loved the bows!

Making S'mores! (Thanks to Jared for the ingredients!) 

We also did Christmas with Grandma Fay in Columbia, TN, but I forgot to bring my phone inside to take pictures :(


Aubrie playing with Brice

Aubrie doing tick tock dances 

Brice 'riding' his stick horse

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