Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve at the Hill household

After a candlelight service at our church we had Christmas Eve dinner with some of our best friends. We ate ham, mashed potatoes, homemade mac and cheese, green been casserole, and rolls. We decorated cookies for Santa and we tracked Santa on the computer. A good time was had by all and now the kids are all tucked  into bed dreaming of sugar plums and waiting for the big man to leave their presents :)

The girls watching Tangled together.

Tracking Santa on the computer!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Zoo Lights

We went to Zoo Lights last night and the lights were beautiful, although it was a little cold outside! Aubrie was NOT in a picture taking mood so she is not smiling in most of them. There were thousands of lights, but I couldn't get my camera to take a good picture of them :( 

This is probably the only "snow" my kids will see this year, and they wouldn't even get near it!

Waiting on the train. I made Drew take a picture with me in it, I realized the other day when I was looking through the blog there are almost ZERO pictures of me with the kids since I'm always the one behind the camera. And I know why, this picture only took us 2 backdrops and 10 minutes for Drew to figure out how to work the camera. haha!

Friday, December 21, 2012

In Front of the Fire

My kiddos being silly in front of the fire. 

Xmas Pictures that didn't make the cut

The kids humored me for about 45 minutes a while back so we could have a mini photo shoot for our Christmas cards. Yes, I did have to bribe them with Sonic slushies. Here are all of the ones that didn't make the "cut" for our Christmas cards. I had a hard time getting both of them to smile at the same time, they much prefer the "funny face" pictures as you can tell. Sorry there are so many, I didn't want to leave any of them out!

 Jackson insisted on a picture with his favorite stuffed animal

 This one is one of my favorites

 As most of you know we are avid "wheel watchers", here is the next Vanna White!

Message from Santa

Santa has become extremely technologically advanced. Check out this video he sent to Jackson!

(You will have to copy and paste the link)

Aubrie has one just like it too ;)

Letter to Santa

Jackson wrote a letter to santa: Dear Santa, I wish it was (Christmas) already. Love Jackson.
He left out Christmas and them put a space in the wrong place. hehe