Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jackson's 1st day of preschool

Jackson did great when I dropped him off. He sat down at his table and started coloring in his journal and was ready to have fun. He is growing up so fast, I can't believe it! Here is a conversation he had last night as daddy was tucking him in.

Daddy: "Im so proud of you Jackson, you are growing up to be such and big boy and are starting preschool tomorrow"

Jackson: "What does proud mean?"

Daddy: "Is means you are a really good son."

Jackson: "Oh, well you are a really good daddy too!"

This morning on the way to school he had this conversation with me.

Jackson: "Are you and Aubrie going to stay and play with me at preschool today?

Mommy: "No buddy, we will stay for a minute, but you will want to stay and play longer than we will."

Jackson: "Oh, well I want Aubrie to stay and play with me the whole time."

*Note that he was only concerned about Aubrie staying with him, he didn't want his mommy. :(

What a big boy.

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