Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Off to school (at least for Jackson)

Niether of them wanted their pictures taken this morning, but I made them...haha.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Random Things

Just some random things I've taken pictures of. This 1st is Jackson's favorite day of preschool. The 2nd is where Aubrie fell asleep on the couch (she had a really long day, bless her heart). And the video is of our family movie night.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jackson's 1st day of preschool

Jackson did great when I dropped him off. He sat down at his table and started coloring in his journal and was ready to have fun. He is growing up so fast, I can't believe it! Here is a conversation he had last night as daddy was tucking him in.

Daddy: "Im so proud of you Jackson, you are growing up to be such and big boy and are starting preschool tomorrow"

Jackson: "What does proud mean?"

Daddy: "Is means you are a really good son."

Jackson: "Oh, well you are a really good daddy too!"

This morning on the way to school he had this conversation with me.

Jackson: "Are you and Aubrie going to stay and play with me at preschool today?

Mommy: "No buddy, we will stay for a minute, but you will want to stay and play longer than we will."

Jackson: "Oh, well I want Aubrie to stay and play with me the whole time."

*Note that he was only concerned about Aubrie staying with him, he didn't want his mommy. :(

What a big boy.

Turtle Oasis

Jackson now a a turtle estuary in his room, that he is very proud of. It contains two species of turtles, a baby box turtle(from our backyard and an aquatic turtle (aka yertle the turtle from papa). Jackson, Daddy, and Aubrie all built it together.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Breakfast at Juana's (I know your jealous!)

We had a nice leisurely breakfast at Juana's this morning. Jackson and Aubrie both LOVE their homemade cinnamon rolls. The two of them finished off a huge one all by themselves, plus a bunch of strawberries. We were even able to play on the playground and by the water for a little bit until it go too HOT!

Concert on the Beach

We have made it a weekly family night to go to the Tuesday Concert's on the Beach. We bring a picnic dinner, chairs and blankets, and sand toys. It is a fun way to spend the evening as a family and with friends.

Walmart Feet

Aubrie got these dirty feet from running around walmart barefoot. Yuck! I know...bad parents for not having shoes on her.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pirate Ship Play

The kids love playing in the pirate ship and with the treasure chest!

Zoo Evening

I took the kids to the after hours at the zoo this week. Jackson's favorite part by far is feeding the animals in the petting zoo. We had to go back twice so he could feed them some more.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jackson Sharing/Aubrie Talking

Jackson can no longer eat a Popsicle without Aubrie throwing a fit to have some of it. They are adorable here sharing it, but unfortunately it almost never goes as smoothly as this. haha.

Aubrie says all sorts of things now, and can get an idea across to you if you know her words for things. Here, she is very exicted because she found a bug and she wants everyone else to look at it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daddy the Exterminator

The only show that Jackson will watch over and over, not moving from his seat on the couch, is Billy the Exterminator on A&E. I have no idea why he is so fascinated by this show, but it is definitely his favorite thing to watch by far. Having said that, Jackson was very excited when we found a large wasp nest in his pirate ship because that meant that Billy the Exterminator was going to come to our house to get rid of it. He was mildly disappointed when Daddy ended up being the exterminator that day, but still had fun observing the dead wasps. The ones in this picture are just the larva that they pulled out of the nest. There were also about 20 full grown wasps that came out of the nest. Yuck!