Friday, June 11, 2010

Car Ride & 1st Day @ Cocoa

The trip down took about 7 hours and 15 minutes including one stop at subway for lunch and a stop at a gas station. Jackson slept for a total of probably 45 minutes of the entire trip and Aubrie took 2 30 minute naps. This picture of the kids in the car was of the only half hour Drew and I had of peace and quite. Even though they were up for almost the whole trip they actually did really well considering.
We went to publix this morning (sorry Jared there is no Kroger here). Please note how excited Aubrie was about this errand, she was mad because we weren't at the pool. The pictures of the kids at the pool are of the 3rd time we went today. After publix we went to the pool for about 1 1/2 hour, came back at lunch and A took a nap and then we went back for another couple hours. The first two times we all had our bathing suits on, each kid had a float,towels,sunscreen, and toys. Please take a minute to picture me carrying all of this down to the pool with kids. haha. Jackson is now in love with the pool. Just so he would stop asking I took them down after dinner again so he could put his feet in. These are what the pictures are from. The video is of Jackson dancing to a band we could hear playing from the boardwalk. Stay tuned for the rest of our Cocoa Beach adventure!

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