Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Last Day Being Oil Free

As oil was washing ashore on Pensacola Beach, we decided to take the kids down to Navarre to enjoy one last evening on the beach. It was a very sad and frustrating day here, but at least the kids were able to really enjoy themsleves not knowing the devistation that is making its way ashore. Jackson has really enjoyed the beach this year and would stay in the water all day long. He gets braver every time we come and loves running and jumping into the waves. Aubrie loves the sand and the water as well. Please pray that all that we love is not lost in the days to come.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

End of Season WeeBall Party

We had the season end WeeBall Party on Friday evening to hand out trophies and get together one last time. Only about half of the team was able to make it, but we had a good time none the less. Even though Jackson never really got into playing the game, I think he enjoyed himself and at the very least made some new friends!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ice Cream and Cabinets

We have spent the majority of our time here by the pool. Jackson would stay in all day long if it were up to him. I told him we were going home tomorrow and he said he didn't want to. Im glad he is having so much fun! These are just a few pictures of us getting ice cream and the kids playing in the condo.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dinosaur Mesume/Adventureland

I took the kids to the Dinosaur Store today. The had a few life size dinosaur skeletons and all sorts of fossils. In the Adventure land part there were arcade games set on free play, I think that was Jackson's favorite part. There were also experiments set up and giant dino puzzles. In the reptile area they had 2 7ft. alligators along with babies, snakes, lizards, and fogs. All together it was pretty fun afternoon. At least it was something different than the pool! haha

Saturday, June 12, 2010

An Attempt at Dinner

We went to dinner tonight after a full day of fun in the sun. I was hoping to wear Jackson out today so he would go to sleep really easily tonight and on time. Apparently my plan worked to well! haha. He got off his chair, stood on the floor, laid his body on the seat, and fell asleep. Kids never cease to amaze me!

An Afternoon at the Pool

This was our second trip to the pool today. The kids and I went to the contiental breakfast then went to the pool this morning. We met Drew for lunch and then he was done working so we all went back to the pool. Jackson was very excited to show his daddy all his new tricks he's learned in the pool.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Car Ride & 1st Day @ Cocoa

The trip down took about 7 hours and 15 minutes including one stop at subway for lunch and a stop at a gas station. Jackson slept for a total of probably 45 minutes of the entire trip and Aubrie took 2 30 minute naps. This picture of the kids in the car was of the only half hour Drew and I had of peace and quite. Even though they were up for almost the whole trip they actually did really well considering.
We went to publix this morning (sorry Jared there is no Kroger here). Please note how excited Aubrie was about this errand, she was mad because we weren't at the pool. The pictures of the kids at the pool are of the 3rd time we went today. After publix we went to the pool for about 1 1/2 hour, came back at lunch and A took a nap and then we went back for another couple hours. The first two times we all had our bathing suits on, each kid had a float,towels,sunscreen, and toys. Please take a minute to picture me carrying all of this down to the pool with kids. haha. Jackson is now in love with the pool. Just so he would stop asking I took them down after dinner again so he could put his feet in. These are what the pictures are from. The video is of Jackson dancing to a band we could hear playing from the boardwalk. Stay tuned for the rest of our Cocoa Beach adventure!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The top pictures is the giant gummy snake that Drew brought back for Jackson from Baton Rouge, LA. He took one bite and spit it out...aparently it doesn't taste as good as it looks. HAHA! The rest are just more pictuers of the kids playing. I love the black and white one of Aubrie "looking up" at her big brother.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Early Bday Party

We had a joint 1st birthday party for Aubrie and Sydney this weekend. We had some close friends over, had a shrimp boil and let the kids play on the pirate ship and a bouncer. Everyone had a blast, especially the girls with their own individual cakes! I can't believe my little baby is almost 1! Needless to say the kids slept GREAT last night after all of the excitment.

Fat Kat & Aunt Callie's Visit

Jackson and Aubrie really enjoyed having company to give them extra attention this weekend! Drew and I even got a night out without the kids! Which was great since it has been months since we have done that in months. We had a very fun weekend, but wish Callie and Kathy could have stayed longer...

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Jackson is actually really good at Jenga. He has won every game so far. He can look at the tower and tap the blocks to test which ones he can move without the tower falling over. He is SO smart!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dump Truck Rides

The kids entertianed themsleves this way for a good half hour until we started to melt from the heat!

My Little Troublemaker

Surprisingly, Aubrie is the one that gets into the most trouble around our house. If I turn my back on her for 5 seconds there is no telling where she will be or what kind of mess she has made. She has figured out how to get into my "child proof" cabinets and dump out ALL of my tupperwear. She is a sweety, but definitly my troublemaker!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fresh out of the Bath

I love it when my kids are fresh out of the bathtub, smelling clean, and stain free. Too bad it will only last about 5 minutes!
I can't believe Aubire is 11 months and will turn one at the end of this month. Her first year has FLOWN by. I have cherished every moment of her being a precious baby and can't wait to see what the future holds for her toddler years and so forth!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jackson Napping

He must have been REALLY tired!!!

Hanging out with Friends

Jackson and his two good friends, Big Austin and Ashyton, eating ice cream on the picnic table. They had a blast and Jackson crashed hard that night!