Sunday, March 31, 2019

Jackson's Birthday Camp Out!

Andrew and his dad took Jackson and 3 of his friends camping at Fort McRee on the beach for his birthday. You'll notice there are a lot of pictures before when I was there....and not so many of the camp out! lol They had a blast!

Emerson, Brandon, Jackson, and Chase

Eating pizza and cake before leaving 

There was so much to pack up they used the golf cart to bring it all to the boat

They had hot dogs and s'mores over the fire!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Jackson turns 12!

I can't believe he's 12! Only 1 more year until he's a teenager ðŸ˜¬ We celebrated while Gammy, Amy and Brice were in town. Jackson chose to go to the local Mexican restaurant for dinner and then we came back home to have cake and presents. 

On his actual birthday, Drew and Mark took Jackson and 3 of his friends camping on the beach...I will post those pictures on the blog soon.

Aubrie helped decorate!

Chocolate Cocoa-Cola cake with salted caramel ice cream, yum!

I've missed a few birthdays on the here are some from previous years:

Jackson turns 11 - Last year Jackson went with a friend and his family to Universal Studios over his birthday. Because of the extravagant trip...we didn't do a big party. 

Jackson turns 10We had a party at the house with some of his friends from school and the neighborhood.

Jackson Turns 5

Jackson Turns 4

Jackson Turns 3

Below are some happy birthday videos from last week.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Zoo Visit

While we had company we went to the Zoo one afternoon! :) 

Aubrie pushed the stroller the whole time. 

Brice was extremely impressed by the giraffes.

This picture cracks me up, it's a picture of the kids taking a picture of a giant ant eater. 

This is Jackson's favorite part of the Zoo.

Aubrie was unsure at 1st, but finally got the hang of it. 

This little guy kept trying to get in my purse. 

When he realized he couldn't get in my purse, he went for Jackson's sweatshirt!