Monday, March 28, 2011

Jackson's 4th Birthday Party

I have to say Jackson's 4th birthday party turned out to be a huge success. After worrying about storms all week the weather turned out to be perfect (if not a little too hot!!). All the kids had a good time, there were no major incidents, and Jackson gots lots of cool presents. Thanks to everyone that helped me prepare and to everyone who came out to help us celebrate our little boy turning into a big boy!

Boat and Beach

While Gammy and Aunt Kelly were visiting we were lucky enough to be able to go out on the boat and go to the beach. We drove the boat to Sailor's Grill for lunch and played in the sand for a little while. Daddy caught the kids some little fish in the nets we had. Jackson thought it was so cool! Both kids were tuckered out and fell asleep in the boat on the ride back. We also had beautiful weather for the beach on Saturday. We even got to see dolphins right off shore! I love that Jackson is getting old enough to really enjoy the beach, build sandcastles, and run in and out of the waves. It's going to be a fun summer!

To Jackson, From Daddy

Jackson's 4th birthday present from his daddy! He loves it!!!

Thanks Gammy!

Jackson wanted to give a big thanks to Gammy for all his birthday presents. He is such a spoiled little boy. But oh that lady bug game... I have a love/hate relationship with it. He wants to play it ALL the time which is great at for a while, and then it gets REALLY old ;)


We had a blast at the zoo with Gammy and Aunt Kelly. The weather was beautiful and both kids were in a good mood! Both of them fed the Giraffe for the first time, Aubrie loved it and wanted to do it again and again. Besidees feeding the giraffe her favorite part was digging in the dirt as you can see ;) I think Jackson's favorite part was the train ride as usual!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jackson turns 4

Can't believe my little man is 4 today. We had a great day playing outside and enjoying the beautiful weather! Jackson is super exicted for his party on Sunday. Keep you fingers crossed that the weather stays nice!

Thanks Fat Kat!

Jackson wants to send Fat Kat a BIG Thank you for his birthday!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hangin' Out

Had a good time this past weekend on the boat and beach with friends. Lovin' the Beautiful weather!!! (and Ms. Au loves her "horse"!)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beachin' It!

We went to Destin a couple days ago to visit with Nana, Aunt Mel, Kate, and John. The kids had a blast at the beach (even though the water was freezing!) and got along GREAT! It's so much fun to get Jackson and Aubrie together with their cousins, I wish we could do it more often. We are looking forward to many more days at the beach this summer!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

More Dolphins!

On a boat ride to Sailor's Grill for lunch we ran in to a school of about 6-8 dolphins. It was really cool to see them out in the wild like that. Jackson was SO excited!!! We seem to have learned where they hang out, so the next visitors we have we'll take on a "dolphin cruise"!