Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blue Wahoos!

Drew got tickets to the Blue Wahoos game this past Saturday. We had great seats in the Regions club section right behind home base. The kids hung with us for about 20 minutes and then found some friends that were also there and explored the stadium with them the rest of the time. It's no longer 'cool' to hang out with mom and dad. 

The club section had a watiress that came around and took our order so we didn't have to wait in the long concession lines!

Aubrie was tired because she had stayed up late the night before at a spend the night. She was NOT excited about having her picture taken. 

Our seats were right behind home plate. 

It ended up being just Drew and I for most of the game since the kids ran off with their friends. 

Heading home!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

End of Summer Fun!

Here are some pictures from the last week of summer vacation. We (AKA me) were ready for school to go back! 

First time in the hot tub with heat!

Trying to find crafts to keep her busy. 

Chicken Fight Video: 

Monday, August 12, 2019

1st Day of School - 5th & 7th!

First Day of 5th & 7th Grade, I can't believe it!

She was annoyed I was taking her picture

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Summer Visitors!

Brice (and Amy & Gammy) came to visit us at the end of July. He was 9 months old during this visit, he is getting so big! 

We played a lot of board games, especially scrabble! 

A walk to the park!

All the Vance grand kids (so far)!

We also did a LOT of swimming! 

Gammy got Aubrie a tortilla blanket for her birthday. LOL (this is a joke from our DC trip this summer)

Thanks Aunt Amy for the Starbucks gift card! 

Monday, August 5, 2019


With some of her Birthday $$, Aubrie ordered a Mermaid tail. She can swim surprisingly well in it! 
