Sunday, February 17, 2019

Way to grown up!

Last week Aubrie had a field trip to the Oprea and she wanted me to straighten her hair for it. I can't believe how grown up she looks ðŸ˜³

Friday, February 15, 2019

Holt & Fat Kat's Visit!

A couple of weeks ago Fat Kat, Aunt Callie, and baby Holt came to visit! Aubrie had been really looking forward to their visit, she did not let Holt out of her sight the entire weekend and you had to fight her if you wanted to hold the baby! 

They had just arrived in this picture and Aubrie had already latched on to Holt. Not that he seemed to mind ;)

Holt was a really good eater...he loved food and tried all sorts of new things!

Aubrie did spend some time with Fat Kat (when Holt was napping, of course)

Holt dressed up for the beach! It was a bit cool out, but the sun was shining and there was no wind so we got ready for a boat ride over to the beach. 

Holt's 1st boat ride

We made a fire on the beach and roasted hot dogs and s'mores!

Both Marlin and Holt were exhausted after the beach

Going for a walk!

Playing games!