Friday, January 18, 2013

Christmas w/ Nana and Papa

The kids LOVE getting together with John and Kate whenever we are able. They were inseperable for the 2 days we were at the lake. 

 Aubrie's favorite cousin!

Playing the wii toghether 

"The Men" (minus Matt) 

relaxing by the fire before bed 

Bedtime....yeah, right! 

Bedtime take 2 

Bedtime take 3....

Christmas and Gammy and G-dad's

Had a blast in Hunstville over Christmas and we already miss everyone! I'm SOOO mad that I didn't take more pictures :( Here are the few that I took:

Aubrie and Jackson sitting at their own special table at Mom and Pops 

Jackson's favorite thing to do at Gammy and G-dads: Play the wii with uncle Jared!

Christmas at Fat Kat's

We had a blast at Fat Kat's house in December spending some quality time with Fat Kat, Aunt Callie, and G! 

 Playing Mouse Trap!

Aubrie showing off her new drewss 

 Have you noticed all the band aids on Fat Kat? The kids got them in their stocking and Aubrie went through all of hers in about 15 minutes. 

Aubrie super excited to show off her new guitar.