Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunday Funday

Sunday has become our designated boating day, and yesterday was no exception. We took David with us this time who is an old high school friend of Drew's that is in Pensacola for a few months doing some training with the Air Force. We just went straight over to our little "island" since it was a little to windy and choppy to drive the boat very far. We brought the new cast net and a caught a bunch of fish and crabs. Some of the fish were even "eating" size as Drew had demonstrated in one of the pictures! We also built sand castles, flew a kite(that kept nose diving into the water, is was TOO windy), and even had another hermit crab race.

Boat Dock and Cast Net Fishing

We went on a 5 minute walk down to the local boat dock in our neighborhood. Drew and Jackson wanted to try out the new cast net they had just got. Surpsingly, after a few trys Drew got pretty good and it and got caught some fish and crabs. Jackson loved picking the fish out of the net and putting them in the bucket. ha! Like father like so0n! It's so nice to be able to just take a short walk from the house and have access to all this fun stuff!

Spit Ball Gun

We were finally able to get out Jackson's spit ball gun that he got from his aunt Callie for Christmas. Jackson had a blast with it trying to hit anything and everyone he could find!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cupcake Bakery Tour and Decorating

You know the one thing kid's need more of after Easter? Sugar, yep the moms club took the kids to tour a local cupcake bakery today since the preschool was off for yet another teacher planning day. The kid's got a kick out of all of us having to wear hair nets when were were touring the kitchen part. They got to decorate JUMBO cupcakes, really they were more like small cakes. Needless to say we ended up bringing lots of leftover cupcake home to add to the pile of sugar already sitting on my counter. ha! They were really good though!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We attended our Neighborhood Easter egg hunt yesterday. I couldn't believe how many people were there! The kids were a little intimidated at first, but ended up having a great time. Jackson got his face painted, picture taken with the easter bunny, they decorated sugar cookies and got TONS of eggs.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Class Easter Parties

Both of the kiddos had Easter Parties today in their preschool classes. There were lots of treats, egg hunts, and picnics. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate so everything had to be done indoors, but the kids still had a great time!

Moms Club Easter Egg Hunt

We braved the dreary weather on Wednesday and wet to our annual Moms Club Easter Egg Hunt. The kid had a blast even though the turn out was smaller than usual due to weather. It really got them in the Egg huntin "spirit". Good thing they've got their school hunts tomorrow, the neighborhood hunt on Sat, and then our family one on Sunday. haha What am I going to do with all the eggs?!?