Sunday, January 29, 2012

Manny's Visit

It was Jackson's turn to bring home his class "pet" Manny, a stuffed Manatee. We had to take pictures and make a book of everything we did over the weekend. We played all sorts of games, went to the park, made sock puppets, went our to get pizza, In the background of a couple of the pictures you can even see a sneak peak of how our house is coming along.


Out of everything there is to play on at the park my kids spent the entire 45 mins we were there playing on one slide. haha. But they had fun!

Zoo Afternoon

Love a January afternoon that is 70 and sunny! The kids and I went to the zoo to get out of the house while our new cabinets were being installed. The kids had a blast as always and Aubrie took a great nap when we got home, which means a successful trip for mommy as well! The kids were in the picture taking mood

Friday, January 6, 2012


Here are some pictures of our new house BEFORE any of the work has been done. Some of our projects include, new flooring throughout, painting, new kitchen, new exterior paint, new fixitures, etc. The list could go on and on! I will post more pictures as work is finished. We should be done by the beginning of February.

Christmas 2011

Since we were unable to move into our new house as expected, we traveled to North Alabama to spend Christmas with our families. The kids loved seeing everyone and got TONS of great gifts. We are blessed to be a part of such wonderful families! Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Livin' on the Beach

We were lucky enough to be able to live in a condo on the beach for 2 months while we have been in the process of moving and renovating our new home. It was like being on a vacation a lot of the time. While I miss the view, I don't miss the elevators and parking. I will post pics of the new house and renovations soon!