Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ice Cream

Enjoying ice cream cones on the back porch after dinner!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Week of Preschool

This week was the first week of preschool. This year Jackson is in VPK (funded by the state...wahoo!) going 4 days a week and Aubrie is starting for the 1st time going 2 days a week. Jackon is glad to be back in school and loves his teacher, Ms. Julie, an his classmates. He is in the Manatee classroom, he was so excited to learn his class in on the 2nd floor this year which means he gets to ride the elevator everday! it's funny the little things that excite kids. Much to mommy's suprise Aubrie has shed no tears at preschool thus far and looks forward to going! She is exhausted by the time I pick her up and fall asleep on the way home. I'm so glad the start of the year has gone so smoothly!