Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chicken Head

Aubrie passing the time while her favorite brother is at preschool.

Glad Daddy's Home

For the first couple of days after Drew gets back from a trip (especially the longer ones) the kids don't want to leave his side for even a minute.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hide and Seek

We played Hide and Seek this afternoon and towards the end Aubrie really started to understand how to play. (The hiding part at least!) When it was my turn to count, Jackson and Aubrie went off to hide. I found Jackson right away, but couldn't find Aubrie anywhere. I even walked into our closet and looked around twice and didn't see or hear anything. After about 5 minutes or so I was really starting to worry about her, thinking maybe somehow she got outside or something. But as soon as that thought crossed my mind I hear giggling coming from the master bedroom, following the sound I finally find her in the cornor of the closed behing a bunch of clothes. I can't believe she stayed to quite for so long while I was looking for her!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Janurary Thus Far

This month has been a combination of lots of little outings trying to keep the kids occupied despite the unpredictable cold weather. Besides playing with all their new Christmas toys the kids and I have kept busy with park days, zoo days, open gyms, playdates, and even a trip to the naval museum. We are ready for spring! Oh, and WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christmas - Better Late than Never

Yes, I realize that it is the end of January and I am just now posting the few Christmas pictures that I took this year. It has been a crazy few weeks. The kids had an awesome Christmas and never need another toy in their life! Jackson got all sort of things including a wii, train table, bicycle, and a whole slew of games. Aubrie also fared well receiving some adorable clothes, a play kitchen, a purse full of play make-up, and her first doll house. Thanks to everyone who sent us Christmas cards and gifts! What a great year!