Wednesday, December 7, 2011

another aubrie video

Aubrie's Christmas Program

Aubrie had her first Preschool Christmas progam today. The first couple of songs she was facing the wrong way (was watching the kids behind her sing). But she finally caught on towards the end and did great. It was adorable!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jackson's Christmas Program!

Jackson had his Christmas program this evening. He did great except he couldn't keep his hands out of his pockets! :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Here are a few pictures of our quick trip up to North Alabama for Thanksgiving. We wish we'd have had more time so spend with everyone. The pictures of us "swinging" are at Fat Kat's house. The one of Aubrie is the closest she would get to getting on it. ;) At papa's house, Jackson had fun riding around with him in his new "project". Then, last but not least, we went to gammy and g-dads for some turkey and cookie decorating!

Gatlinburg Trip

We were lucky enough to be able to take a trip to Gatlinburg a week or so ago thanks to Papa and Nana. The kids had a blast spending time with family (especially their cousins)! We ate delicious food, walked around Gatlinburg, went to the aquarium and the upside down house(as Jackson calls it). All around it was a really fun trip! (well except for the traffic!!!)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Batman, Rapunzel, and Jackson wearing Fat Kat's witch costume. haha

Moms Club Trunk or Treat

Jackson had a blast! Unforunatley Aubrie slept through the whole thing in the car. :)

October 2011

These are some pictures Gammy took when she came to visit a couple weeks ago. We had a blast! Aubrie loved getting her hair straightened to wear with her Rapunzel Halloween costume.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Evening on the Boat

With the weather being so pleasant recently, we have all enjoyed cruising around the sound on the boat. Especially during sunset, it is beautiful! We even saw a couple dolphins last time, so fun!

Pensacola Seafood Festival

The last weekend of September was the Pensacola Seafood Festival. The kids had a blast in the children's craft area. Their favorite was painting an actual dead fish and then making a imprint of it on a piece of paper. Gross! They also enjoyed getting their face pained, sand art, live music, etc. The weather was beautiful and it was a fun way to spend the morning!

Pensacola Seafood Festival

The last weekend of September was the Penascola Seafood Festival. The kids had a blast in the children's craft area.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hurrican Party!

So what do we do as Tropical Storm Lee slowy makes his approach towards shore? Have a hurricane party at the Holiday Inn Resort on Pensacola Beach! We were able to use Drew's points to stay for a night and hang out in the indoor pool and outside when there was a break in the weather. The kids loved it and it got us out of our house for party of the long rainy holiday weekend. The were mulitple hot tubs, a zero entry pool, and a lazy river! And believe it or not....we had the outdoor pool almost to ourselves. ;) We had a nice dinner at Peg Let Pete's on the beach and the kids were exhausted by the time we got to bed!