Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pensacola Seafood Festival

We took the kids to the Pensacola Seafood festival this afternoon and they had a blast. Jackson loved the kid's area. He ran in a race, got his face painted, and made a necklace. Aubrie's favorite part was watching the Splash Dogs jumps for distance in a long pool. There was great food and really cool vendors. Both kids were exhausted by the time we got in the car to go home!


Aubrie actually felt like smiling for the camera today! haha. They are so cute. There is also a video of Aubrie using a fork for the first time, I must say I was pretty impressed for her first time!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Outfits

Thanks Fat Kat for sending the kids really cute new outfits. Thanks Gammy for sending Aubrie and Auburn Jersey. War Eagle!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eating Popsicles

Enjoying a nice evening on the deck eating popsicles. (This is they only place they are allowed to eat them now, because they make such a mess!)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles

Aubrie loved chasing the bubbles that Jackson blew with his bubble gun.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Round - Up

Me: Jackson will you stop and let me get a picture of you helping daddy?

Jackson: No mommy, I have too much work to do!

Jackson in the Paper!

This is Jackson's debut in the Pensacola Newspaper. haha. It's an action shot!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Riding the Gator

Aubrie discovered last evening that she can ride the Gator with her brother. She now has a cow if she ever sees him drive it and she's not in it. haha. She wants to do EVERYTHING that Jackson does!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Drew found a snake in the yard when he was mowing the grass. Yuck!!!!

Beach Afternoon

It is so awesome to live in a place where if you decide to do a beach day last minute, you just hop in the car and drive 5 minutes!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gammy's Visit

Gammy came to visit this past week to stay with us while Drew was out of town. Jackson loved having her here. He showed her his preschool, we went to the zoo, baked some DELICIOUS brownies, and watched and AWESOME Auburn Game!!

Getting Pics taken for the Newspaper

Austin and Jackson got their picture taken by this photographer and are going to be in the Pensacola Newspaper on Monday, Sept. 13th. The paper is doing a feature on the new business we started recently and so we chose our most photogenic partners to be in the picture!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Aubrie loved playing in the water and riding the baoat. I think she had more fun than Jackson!

Lake part 1

We all had a blast at the lake this weekend. It is so fun to see all of the grandkids playing together.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Mosterville" Game

I don't know what it is about playing this game, but Jackson absolutely loves it. I have to set serious time limits on it or he would happily play it all day. As you can tell...Aubrie thinks the game is very exciting as well.