Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dance Party!

Sorry its Sideways!


We met Drew yesterday at Firehouse for lunch. Jackson got a plastic fire hat with his meal. He has worn it most of the day. Sorry the pictures of Aubrie are a bit blurry. I couldn't get her to hold still, she kept trying to take off the hat! And of course, Jackson could not leave Dakota out of the photo shoot!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jackson Needs A Haircut

I think Jackson is finally getting over his camera phobia!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Playing Together

Jackosn and Aubrie actually play together well for the most part. Their newest thing is to have "crawling races". They are hilarious! Aubrie just gets so excited that she stops in the middle of the "race" and rolls over laughing because she is having such a good time. It's hard to believe that in a month or two they will be having running races instead.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

1st Wee Ball Practice

Jackson was waiting all afternoon for Wee ball practice. As most of you are familiar with Jackson is very particular about shoes and won't wear anything but crocs. He was actually excited to put on his new Spider Man tennis shoes so he could go to practice. I can't wait to take pictures when his actually jersey and cap come in! I will be sure to film the first game and post a few clips!
I really need to get Aubrie a cheerleader outfit in their team colors for the games. haha!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Uh Oh

She is too funny!

two teeth/battle scar

I know I haven't posted in like a whole week! We had a really busy weekend and now poor Jackson is sick. He hasn't been feeling well since Sunday evening. Hopefully he will perk up by tomorrow evening so he can go to his first Wee Ball practice (since his dad is the coach).
If you look closely in some of these pictures you can see Aubrie's first two teeth. I cannot believe she is just a few days shy of 10 months old!
You can also see Jackson's "battle scare" above his left eye. It actually looks good today, it did look like he had half a black eye. He got hit in the head with a toy when he was playing with some friends on Saturday. He is all boy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Silly Kids

Drew got back in town last night so I can update the blog again. We haven't had a very exciting week while Drew has been gone. Jackson has been in potty training boot camp so we haven't left the house very much. haha. But it is going very well! He even used a public restroom yesterday when he needed to pee. That was a major milestone for him!

The older and more mobile/independent that Aubrie gets the more they are able to play together and entertain each other. Aubrie pretty much follows Jackson around the house and wants to do whatever he is doing. She even has to have a juice box at the same time he does or she will throw a fit!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Aubrie is SO Big!

I can't believe how big Aubrie is getting and how fast she is growing up. She will be 1 year in less than 3 months! She is pulling up all of the time and cruising along the furniture. She crawls everywhere and can even stand for a few seconds on her own. In the past week or so she has finally started to let other people hold her! YAY!
P.S. Will not be able to post anything new for a few days because Drew has to take our good laptop out of town with him :(

Friday, April 9, 2010


Finally it's warm enough to go to the beach! Amy and Zach came in town for the weekend, so we all went to the beach this afternoon. It was 75 and not a cloud in the sky...perfect! Jackson is really enjoying the beach so far this year. He loves chasing the waves, looking for sea shells, and flying his kite! Aubrie loves sitting on her blanket under the umbrella and playing with the sand and all of her toys. It is going to be a fun summer!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Zoo with Fat Kat

We went to the zoo with Fat Kat this week. Jackson loves feeding all the animals. He even got to bottle feed a baby water buffalo! We had a really good time, the only downfall was we were not able to ride the safari train. I am so glad it is warming up so we can go to the zoo whenever we want!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

We had a nice Easter morning. The Easter bunny came the night before and hid eggs outside for Jackson to find. We had nice leisurely brunch at Hemmingway's followed by a stroll on the boardwalk. The weather was perfect!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt/Party

We had a Easter egg hunt at our house on Friday. There were 8 kids that brought 12 eggs each, so we hid 96 eggs in the backyard. It took the kids a grand total of about 5 minutes to find all of the eggs! I guess we should have done a better job hiding them. Jackson had a blast with his friends and Aubrie had fun with hers!