Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jackson's Christmas Program

Jackson did an awesome job in his first Christmas Program. He was about the calmest kid on the stage and did a good job singing all the songs. All of the kids were adorable!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Aubrie's 1st Time with a Straight Iron

Aubrie got her hair straightened for the 1st time this evening. She was very good and sat still the whole time. I think she was excited to be having a "mommy" toy used on her.

It's Cold Outside!

It's finally getting cold enough outside that we have to bundle up before going to play. I hate that it now takes At Least 10 minutes to put on everyone's jacket, find the kid's socks and shoes, and then get outside and play for another 10 minutes until the kids get cold and want to come back inside. :(

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mexican Fiesta and Christmas Trains

The kids had a great time this year playing with their cousins. It is awesome that they all get along so well! We had a Mexican Party one night and the kids had a blast trying to get the candy out of the Pinata. Jackson's favorite thing we did at Nana and Papa's was to decorate Rice Crispie Trains with Christmas Candy.(Notice how much Aubrie enjoyed that craft..haha). We had a wonderful time with all of our family, but it is nice to finally be home. It will probably take a few days to fully recuperate from all of the activites.

Papa's Toys

Jackson always loves going to Papa's house to play with all his cool toys. This visit, Jackson got to drive the Snoopy Car and had his first ride on an Motorcycle. He loved it!

Playing at G&Gs

The kids love to play in the "secret" room at G&Gs house that is filled will all sorts of games and toys. Poor Aubrie was not sure what to make of G, the last picture is the result of G trying to play with her for the first time. Thankfully by the time we left he was able to hold her, it just took some time for her to warm up.

Silly Kids

Just a few pictures of the kids goofing off while we were visiting family in North Alabama.

Monday, November 22, 2010


We went up to Monte Santo Mountain yesterday to play on the playground and enjoy the views. The kids had a blast running though all the fallen leaves (we don't have many of those in Florida). When we got home Jackson helped G-dad mow the grass.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Huntsville Drive-Thru Zoo

The kids had blast at the drive thru zoo. They got to see/feed giant turtles, bison, deer, llama, camels, emus, zebras, and all other sorts of animals. We had a giant bison following us that was trying it's hardest to get its head in the window! By the time we left you couldn't see out that window because if was covered in Bison drool. Yuck!

Visiting Great-Grandma

Went to visit great-grandma on her "castle on the Mountain". At least that's what Jackson thought it was. ;)

Kid's Space

Playing on another playground! Jackson was tired of smiling for the camera by the time we left!